Rustic Wooden Lanterns

Saturday, October 6, 2012

I am in LOVE with this piece! I have one of each color in large and medium sizes. I think I'm calling the first color "Coal Dust". Its kind of a neutral blend of black, grey, and brown, similar to cast iron. It would go with almost any color scheme. Second, "Milkshake"-an antiqued cream. And thirdly, "Candy Apple"- a rich red ( I know, not the greatest pictures. The red and cream are the same colors as the pillars of the same name).

Check them out HERE on DebbieDoo's Newbie Party. Lots of other fun blogs to discover too!

Large (featured in cream)


Medium size: Approximately 7 1/2" x 21" - $ 35
Large size: $55
For decorative use only!  Please don't light a candle in this lantern. 

Decorative Pillars


I made myself 3 of these pillars several months back and received so many compliments on them I decided to start producing them. I have small plants on my set, but I think they look great as large candle stands too. They're chunky and rustic. I currently have sets in 3 colors:

"Distressed Black" 
(only large and medium available)

"Candy Apple"

"Farmhouse Blue"
(only medium and small available)


"Venetian Plaster"

Small: 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" x 6 1/2" - $8
Medium: 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" x 9 1/2" - $10
Large: 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" x 13 1/2" - $12

Custom orders available. Contact me

Finally! Some Photos

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I'm finally on-line!

I've been super busy in the garage (a.k.a. my shop) the last few weeks. I'm gearing up for Blitzen's Holiday Boutique on December 1st. It's going to be an awesome show! My first, to be honest. Over 30 very talented vendors are already on-board and the location is perfect to get the "fall feeling". 

I have several pieces stashed on high places all over my house, trying to keep them out of reach of 4 very busy little hands. Unfortunately, my cheap little camera has more years than megapixels on it, so it wouldn't really be an option to showcase my work. Fortunately, I have a wonderful brother-in-law who has been kind enough to let me borrow his nice camera for the past couple of days. So...Here are the projects I've had done the longest. 

Over-sized Rustic Letters

Approximately 14" x 20"
 Price: $30 each or $25 if you buy 3 or more together

I have several more letters and different colors as well. In full disclosure, I haven't made any "curvy" letters yet (such as B, C, J, ect.). I know how I'm going to construct them, I just have't made my templates yet. I will have most of the alphabet done, in a multitude of colors by Blitzen's Holiday Boutique, so no worries :)
Custom orders available. Contact me at

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