*This post is sponsored by DAP Products and The Home Depot. I have been compensated for my time and provided with product or payment in exchange. All opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.
I was reading an article a couple weeks ago and apparently Phoenix is going through a housing shortage. Tract home builders have been going gangbusters here for decades and I, like many other Arizonans live in an inexpensive, builder-grade home. We've made several upgrades (like our kitchen and bathroom remodel) but there are some frustrating design issues that are more difficult to change.
My living room area has several large windows, which I love, and a pair of sliding glass doors, which I don't love. My ceilings are 9 ft tall. My front door is 8 ft tall, and all of the windows are set at 8 ft. Unfortunately, like all my interior doors, the sliding glass doors are only 70" tall.