How We Got Heavy Duty Shop Walls | The Home Depot Rentals

Wednesday, September 16, 2020 -

*This post is sponsored by The Home Depot Rentals.

I feel like the house we're building is trying to kill me. Well, maybe it's not the house. Maybe it's building a house during an Arizona summer. Also, it's just our luck that we would happen to be building a house and detached workshop ourselves during the hottest summer on record since 1895. 

Building Modern on a Budget Ep. 5 | HVAC, Electrical & Plumbing

Tuesday, July 14, 2020 -
how to HVAC electrical plumbing DIY modern house build construction

*This post is sponsored by DAP Products and Simpson Strong-Tie. This post contains affiliate links.

The house is finally "dried in", which means the roof is finished and the exterior walls are wrapped with a water-proof membrane. It also means we can start working on the inside, bringing in more trades. As we talked about in my last post, we are dramatically over budget and we've been desperately trying to bring costs down. We decided Bryce and I are going to try to do more of the labor ourselves, splitting the jobs with contractors, like we did with the roof. 

The hardest part wasn't rolling up our sleeves and laboring, it was finding the right contractor who is willing to be patient enough to work with us. 

Building Modern on a Budget: Ep. 4 | Roofing & Windows

Saturday, June 13, 2020 -

*This post is sponsored by DAP Products and Simpson Strong-Tie. This post contains affiliate links. 

It's getting hot here. Like, 105° by 11 am. I guess since it's June in Arizona I shouldn't be surprised by that. We were lucky enough to get a really mild May for Arizona standards, just in time to get the roof up on the house. 

New here? Did you know my husband and I are building a modern-style custom house ourselves? Check out the links below to get caught up on the series up to this point. 

Building Modern on a Budget | Ep.3 Framing

Friday, May 29, 2020 -

A husband and wife Framing a modern house and dream workshop on nights and weekends and sharing how much it costs

*This post is sponsored by The Home Depot, DAP Products, and Viewrail. This post contains affiliate links. 

It's getting hot here in Arizona. I know it's still technically Spring, but we've already crossed 110 degrees. I'll just say, I'm suuuuuuper happy we finished up the major framing of our new house and detached garage. 

If you're not up to speed, make sure you check out:

Building Modern on a Budget: Ep. 2 | Foundation & Pad

Saturday, May 16, 2020 -

*This post is sponsored by Simpson Strong-Tie and The Home Depot. This post contains affiliate links. 

We are full steam ahead on the new modern house! We have been working our tails off and making good progress. I just shared the newest video, episode 2 of the Building Modern on a Budget. I'm talking all about getting the site prepared, building the pad, and pouring the concrete foundation. 

 Have you been following along with the series?

Although we are trying to DIY as much of the house as possible, we knew there were certain trades we didn't feel comfortable tackling ourselves. Our foundation was something we figured was best to leave to the professionals. 

Building Modern on a Budget: Ep. 1 | Budget and Design Q & A

Friday, May 8, 2020 -
How much does it cost to DIY build a modern house on a budget contemporary build a house ourselves

We have a new house! Well, sorta. We have the beginnings of a house. We are in the process of building a custom home ourselves in Mesa, Arizona. We are producing a YouTube video series, walking through the entire process of trying to build a modern style house on a budget

(SPOILER: it's not easy)

Have you been following along with the series?

We officially broke ground in January of this year and I've been sharing the progress over on my Instagram. I've received an insane amount of questions (especially about money) so I decided to kick off the series with a budget and design Q & A. So, if you ever wanted to build your own home or are just curious to see how much it costs to build a contemporary house yourself, check out the video below. To see photos, the floorplans and get more juicy details, keep scrolling.

DIY Small Space Hall Tree | Video + Plans

Friday, April 10, 2020 -

*This post is sponsored by DAP Products. I have been compensated for my time and provided with product or payment in exchange. All opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links. 

How are you guys doing? Are you hanging in there during quarantine? Are you staying home and going nuts like me? I'll be honest, trying to build a new house, keeping up with work and doing my best to home school the kids is a challenge for sure.

Speaking of challenges, my best friend Sam from Diy Huntress wants to make the most of her time at home and decided to get 15 of her friends involved (including me!). She challenged me to #BuildatHome using only scrap materials I have laying around. Check out the links below to see what everyone made!

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