DIY Counter Top Make-Up Storage

Wednesday, July 23, 2014 -

If you are new here, I have been sloooowly updating my master bathroom. In addition to darkening my stock vanity cabinets, DIYing concrete counter-tops, and upgrading my lighting and hardware, I've been trying to spruce up the decor a bit. 

Back when I was a teenager, my mom had a best friend that I idolized. She was only like, 12 years older than me, beautiful, and hilarious. I remember one day when I was in her bathroom, I discovered that she kept her make-up in a decorative chest on the counter. Great idea! Kill 2 birds with one stone. Free up scarce drawer space, and add a cute design element. I was using the same, dirty chest I bought for my first apartment. Time for something new. 

I know a few ladies that use little plastic drawer things to hold and organize their make-up. Since this is going to be on display, I think I can do better than that. 

I started with my favorite reclaimed wood substitute, AKA fence boards. I used the wider of the two commonly found sizes, approximately 5.5". 

I cut two pieces at 17" and five at 11" long.

Assembling the frame is pretty basic. Its like building a basic box, you just add more dividers. For an easy way to ensure the bottom board is square, use a scrape piece of wood as a spacer block. This way, you are sure your board will be joined at the same height on both sides.

I used wood glue and 1 1/4" brad nails to join the pieces, starting with the bottom, then the top, and finally the 3 center dividers.

Now that I had a frame, it was time to make the drawer boxes. Do these look familiar? They were made from the same plywood and in the same manner as these 30 boxes. Once again, pretty easy.

Now that everything was built, it was time to start the finishing process. The first step was to brush all the wood with  homemade oxidizing solution. The next day, I gave both the frame and drawers the worst paint job ever, using a bluish gray, latex paint. I knew I was going for a super distressed-reclaimed look, so I intentionally was very sparse with my application.

Once that was dry, I pulled out some Antique Crackle from Old Fashioned Milk Paint. This stuff is fun to play with. If you aren't looking for large, 90's-ish cracks, I have a little trick that I share here.

 It does create cracks, but more importantly, it causes this great, antique texture in the paint.

After the crackle medium, I applied another crappy coat of paint, this time in white.

I placed everything outside to dry, which in Arizona during the summer took about 3 minutes. Next, I went crazy with the sander and some 60-grit.

I intentionally took off the majority of the paint. I wanted to see the wood underneath. I sealed everything with a coat of wax and allowed it to dry. Once dry, the last step was to attach the label holder pulls, which were generously donated by D. Lawless Hardware.

Here is the final result. It looks like it was drug behind a truck, AKA, perfect.

It gives me TONS of storage, and I love how the 4 drawers help me organize my make-up. Before with the chest, everything was just thrown in and eventually got broken and covered in the remnants of 100 different types of powder. So much better this way.

Okay, I have a confession. I ordered the label holder pulls in black. They looked fabulous, but a little too "new" next to the super chippy wood. I fixed that with a little of this and a little of that. Mostly, gray primer, black spray paint, and aging dust. They still look black...just old black.

And here is where my new storage box will stay. Proudly out in the open. My make-up hiding in plain sight.

What do you think? Would you "hide" your make-up this way? Or, do you have any other clever ideas for make-up storage?

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The DIY'ers 

Easy HEAVY-DUTY Shelving (Plus Giveaway!)

Friday, July 18, 2014

As a blogger, I have the chance to work with brands and try out new products.  Some bloggers try to hide the fact that they are working for brands. I'm not here to trick you, just being real.  I can honestly say that I only work with companies and products that I believe in and use personally. Its pretty exciting when I get an email from a big company who has been following my little blog. I probably should act cool and not tell you this, but I still freak out every time.

How I Mask Off a Circle

Thursday, July 17, 2014

I have a quick tip to share with you today. Ever try to mask off a circle using painter's tape? Yeah, its not fun. I came up with a little trick that works much better.

I have this little table clock that my mom "antiqued" several years ago. I decided it was time for a quick update.

The first step is to determine the size of the circle. The best way to do this would be to use a compass, but if you don't have one, look around the house for something the same diameter. It will work fine.

Now, here's the secret. Trace the circle on a piece of contact paper. The contact paper will take place of painter's tape.

Pull back about 1/3 of the paper backing. Starting along one edge, align the circle and pull the rest of the backing off as you smooth the contact paper down.

Now, rub like crazy. Make sure all your edges are smoothed down and you don't have any gaps.

Now you can spray or brush almost any coating without fear of bleeding.

You can see in the photo that I still have some paint nibs that I need to sand, but the face is looking great.

So do you have a mirror or clock around your house in need of an update? Dig up some contact paper, bust out some paint and voila! 

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DIY Entertainment Center

Tuesday, July 15, 2014 -

A few months ago, I told you guys about my good friend Maegan. Maegan's older sister, Nicki has been my best friend for over eleven years. I met her the first day I moved to Arizona and we have been best buds ever since. 

The BEST Reclaimed Wood Substitute

Thursday, July 10, 2014

If you are like me, then you love the current trend of just about everything made from reclaimed or barn wood. If you are also like me, you A. Don't have reclaimed wood readily accessible and B. Are too big of a cheapskate to buy it even if you could. Don't worry, I've got a simple solution.

7 Best DIY Bathroom Vanity Makeovers

Monday, July 7, 2014 -

If you have been following along, you know that I have been slowing updating my build-grade, master bathroom. Last week, I finished my DIY concrete countertop to go on top the vanity that I recently darkened and added hardware to

DIY Concrete Countertop With Sink Openings

Wednesday, July 2, 2014 -

Yay! After days of waiting, I finally have my new concrete countertop installed in my bathroom. Last week I alluded to "something curing" in my garage. Well, this was it. 

Darken Cabinets WITHOUT Stripping the Existing Finish

Monday, June 23, 2014 -

My bathroom makeover may possibly be the slowest in history. It started last year when I removed the hideous, cheap light bar above the vanity and replaced it with 2 beautiful light fixtures

The next step was to add moulding to the wall-mounted mirror, and I shared some tricks to make that process easier. 
And that's where things stayed... for months and months. Recently, I finally found the motivation and decided it was time to tackle updating the vanity. If you have lived in a house built in the last 25 years, the odds are pretty good you have lived with cabinets like these. Typical, builder-grade oak, finished in a gold/honey color. 

Easy Geometric Wall Art

Friday, June 20, 2014 -
This post originally appeared as a guest post on Home Coming.

Lest you think I have been slacking, I have been elbow deep into 2 huge projects this week. I'll give you a hint, they both involve my bathroom vanity, trips to Home Depot, and making a huge mess. 

Mighty Metal Cabinet

Monday, June 16, 2014 -
Last week, I shared how my husband gave me the coolest birthday trip ever. On that trip, I picked up a couple cool, small items as well as a piece I truly fell in love with. 

Easy Built-In Bookcases

Friday, June 13, 2014 -

Remember when I talked about my good friend Maegan and her amazing entertainment console? Well, she and her adorable husband bought their first home last year and wasted no time starting the upgrades. 

How to Rivet Wood and/or Leather

Wednesday, June 11, 2014 -

"Rivets? Like as in Rosie the Riveter? Why would I need to know that?" You may be asking yourself. Holy crap! Rivets are my new favorite thing people! 

Best Birthday Gift Ever!

Monday, June 9, 2014
Today happens to be my birthday, but I want to share about this past weekend! Last Thursday my husband suggests that I pack a bag for the weekend, but won't give me anymore information. Friday, right after work, we drop the kids off with Grandma and Grandpa and hit the road.

He has me drive, turns on navigation on his phone, and laughs as I follow the little voice telling me when to turn, while I shout out guesses of where we may be going.

Eventually, we turn off the highway in Globe, one of my favorite destinations for "pickin". I follow the navigation until I hear "Your destination is on the right."

This is the Noftsger Hill Inn and it is SOOO cool! It was originally a schoolhouse built in 1907, and now its a bed and breakfast. 

My Cool New Friends: Rafterhouse Tour

Thursday, June 5, 2014
Hi everyone! I am beyond thrilled to introduce you to my new friends at Rafterhouse

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Rafterhouse is a company located here in Phoenix that specializes in taking older, outdated homes and completely transforming them. Yes, there are a lot of "flippers" out there, but I guarantee you have not seen homes like these before. I am so inspired by their work, I HAD to share their latest remodel with you. They aren't paying me a dime, I truly just had to share with you all!
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