The (other) Twins & More Caning Tutorial

Saturday, February 2, 2013 -

Sorry for my absenteeism. I've been so super busy this last week, I just haven't had time to get a new post together. To give you an idea of what the last couple of days has been like, I have a nightstand drying in my garage that has three different colors of paint on it. ARG! More on that later.

Tufting a Headboard the EASY Way

Wednesday, January 16, 2013 -
I just finished a large an beautiful tufted headboard for a very nice lady. I know there are a bazillion tufted headboard tutorials out there, so I decided to only touch on the tricks I use and haven't seen before.

How to Upholster a Caned Back Chair: Tutorial

Friday, January 11, 2013 -
A month or so ago we were perusing a local thrift store when I noticed this chair.

Foam is Expensive... Here's my Secret

Wednesday, January 9, 2013 -
I recently added a brag post to Ana White's Website and I made me realize that I need to share my upholstery foam secret.

When I was building my upholstered benches for the boutique I knew I wanted thick, dense foam for the cousions. The problem with that is I was going to resell the benches so I really needed to keep my costs down so I could make a profit. All of a sudden a light bulb clicked on in my head. Crib mattresses!

  I happened to have two, all-foam, sealed in the plastic crib mattresses sitting in my guest room. I stripped the plastic and liners off and checked them out. It was perfect! 5 inches thick, super dense foam. 

Oak Desk Re-do: Part 2 & Reveal!

Thursday, January 3, 2013 -

Here's the rest of the story... FINALLY! This week was a little busier than I thought it was going to be, but never the less, I got this puppy done. In case you forgot what it looked like before HERE is the before.

Rope Trim Console Table

Wednesday, January 2, 2013
I was going through some of my furniture photos and I realized that I never posted any photos of my Rope Trim Console Table. This was one of my favorite builds! It went together like a dream and I LOVED the finish. I built it like 3 days before the Blitzen's Boutique, so I was so crazy I hardly snapped any photos. I took a couple with my phone as we were setting up, and unfortunately wasn't able to get any step-by-step photos.

Oak Desk Re-do: part 1

Sunday, December 30, 2012
To see the finished product, check out Oak Desk Re-do: part 2

While I was out scoring this a-maze-zing dresser set last week I came upon this little oak desk. Its solid wood and very unique. I love the different sized drawers. The owners made me an offer I can't refuse so on top of the trailer she went. The husband and I were actually out on a date for our 5th anniversary and you should have seen he and I trying to squeeze everything on top of a small trailer and my even smaller car... but that's a story for another day.

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